Friday, August 11, 2006


My mum thankfully went to the results page last night and it would seem that the previous winner has been DQ'd or something, You know what that means...I am now the official winner for the 25-29 age group!! That's more like it!



Andy said...

Congrats mate that's quality!

Well, he must have cheated if he beat you by a minute, surely?!

A1 size dayglo poster with a frame coming up then?

RJL said...

Cheers lads! To be honest, that is me putting my name in caps..always fill out entry forms in caps - easier to find your name then!

Saving the poster for the action shot in Switzerland I reckon!

Jonny said...

Hey Rich - just read the post. That's brilliant news mate. Many congratulations.

The other guy wasn't Floyd Landis was he?????

Do you get a gold medal?

RJL said...

Tell me about it...cheats in sport hey - they're everywhere!

Yes, it does indeed mean that I should be getting my first gold medal - don't worry, there will certainly be a post for that one.

It also looks like I am on track to pick up my second prize of the season when I compete in the last of the Thames Turbo events in a couple of weeks. I am currently 3rd from the past three events.