For those of you wondering what has happened to me and why I have not been updating the blog, there are a couple of reasons for this.
Firstly, the triathlon season is now over until about Apirl next year when the whole process starts off again. I have already been entering a couple of the bigger races, mainly because I wanted to absorb the financial burden now rather than next year some time - just entering London and Windsor again has set me back about £150.
The other reason however is that I am injured and it is not much fun at all. A couple of weeks ago I crashed my bike into the back of a pickup type truck after it stopped suddenly on a big junction and I did not stop quick enough. I smashed my chest into the back of the car and also left two big dents. Still, upon leaving the scene I noticed that my chest was pretty sore but by the end of the day, I was back in the pool just making sure that I could still swim etc with no real issues. Everything seemed okay at this point and all seemed okay to run the half marathon at the weekend.
After doing the half marathon where I hurt my calf, I also seemed to damage some tissue in my chest which was obviously weakened from the accident. Initially I thought that I had fractured a rib or something but after chatting to my coach and to some medical peeps it appears that it is more likely to be some muscle between the sternum and pecs.
As some of you joke about the addiction side of things, and knowing how I am, you can imagine that it was pretty hard to just stop exercising. I discoverd that I could still cycle quite happily, but running and swimming (properly) were out of the equation. I did work out that I could do some drill based stuff in the pool, but not for long though. Anyway, things were starting to heal until I raced home on the bike one day and it seemed to put everything back to square one! Only then did I decide that I would have a total rest for a few days and see how things went.
So, here I am actually doing sod all. I did do a turbo session last night (no real chest movement) but other than that I have done sod all for about 3 days now. It is a pretty miserable existence though, albeit the chest does seem to be getting better. The most annoying thing though is actually having to watch what I eat, I think that I have some inbuilt propensity to pile on the pounds.
I am supposed to be running a Regent's Park 10k race this Sunday but as it stands I think I will be giving it a miss. I have the Nike 10k the weekend after and I would much rather do that race. The problem is, I was aiming for a sub 37 at the Nike and the way my fitness was going until I smashed into the car would have probably meant that I would have been able to do it. As for now, I am just not sure. if I can get close to my PB of 37:30, I think I will be pretty happy.
Bloody hell mate, that sounds well rough. I hope you are not getting too dispondent about the whole thing. All top athletes have these set-backs I'm sure, even though they may not always be caused by pick-up trucks!
By the way, if you got hurt, and you dented the car, surely your bike must be in a bit of a mess?
Funny enough, the bike came out okay. I think it hit it dead on. That was pretty much the only good thing...would not have been too happy if I also had to buy a new wheel or handelbars etc!
Did you run on Sunday, in the end?
It is this Sunday that the race is.
As it stands, I will be going to the start line at least. My chest is feeling a lot better, so much so that I am at least doing some exercise now (I was getting pretty miserable doing nothing). I have not run yet though but think I will go out for about 10 minutes tomorrow to see how things feel.
Good luck!!
So did you run in the end then, or are you back on the fags and curries?
By the way, what do you think about this guy being banned for using performance enhancing drugs?
Have you come across any word of that sort of thing going on?
Personally, I don't think he has used them. He was not actually found to have used them, i.e. by testing positive, he forgot to let UK Sport know where he was gonna be and thus they were not able to perform a random test. You could argue that it is pretty silly to get this wrong THREE times, but hey ho, a 3 month ban for him is probably about as lenient as it gets - an athletics person recently got a full year for the same offence.
Forgot to say, yes I did do the Nike 10k.
As you can see blog entry means I was pretty annoyed by the whole affair. I ran 7k and walked the last 2.5k then ran through the finish line (I knew it was being videod!). You can actally see the video here
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