Monday, June 12, 2006

Windsor Triathlon - First Full Distance

Swim went really well and I think I got out the water in just under 22 minutes which is as close to my PB as I think I could have hoped for - those chaps helping you get out were a great help though - my legs needed some encouragement to start working, especially as I had not done the final 100 kick thing cause the turn to come in came quicker than I thought..well, to be honest, I missed it slightly

Got on the bike and felt really strong so thought that I would just hammer it as hard as I could and see how I got on. Was able to overtake a fair few and the best thing about these bigger races seems to be that there is always someone in front to focus on. After a few km's of feeling good, I made a pact with myself not to get passed once on the bike leg. One chap did try it, but I had to overtake him became a big thing to do really well on the bike. Made it back to the complicated finish in about 1:02 which is much better than I expected...the computer topped out at 70kph going down through Windsor Park!

Now, the run...after momentarily losing my racking spot I set out on 43 minutes of pretty grueling pain, coupled with a nice bit of cramp on the second lap. My legs just don't seem to want to operate after the bike,always feels like I am shuffling along. Still, coach had set me a best case scenario time of 2:10 for the whole thing and I knew I was on track for that thanks to the faster swim and bike section...was close in the end though - I got it as 2:09:54

Next stop...Wakefield, I have seen horrible rumours of 24km of climbing in the bike leg

1 comment:

Andy said...

Mate, this blog is quality. I promise I won't link it on mine, but can i tell Jonny?!

You really should have called it 'Lycra Heaven' though!

I love the look of determination on the bike leg, and then the completely shattered look on the run. Good effort though.